Legends Of Old

It’s her eyes.

Yes, she’s beautiful. Yes, her delicate body sways whenever she moves. Yes, she smells like heaven on earth. Yes, her voice is sweet and delicious like honey on pancakes.

But oh her eyes. The way she looks at you. One glance is all it takes: you’re lost, body and soul. Sucked into all the promises her pupils hold.

Ensnared by a stare.

And then.

And then, consumed by her fire.


“It didn’t use to be like this.”

“Oh please.”

“In the old times…”

“In the old times, I hadn’t even been born.”

“As if I didn’t know.”

“Look, mother, it’s bad enough that I have to compete because you still retain the looks of your youth…”

“Of my youth?”

“…but please, let me be. I am who I am. I am the way I am. And I am not like you. Well, not exactly like you.”

“Of my youth?”


“Ah well. You have never had any respect at all. No manners. Your father’s fault, no doubt.”

“Mother, don’t get father into this.”

“That would be impossible, since he’s nowhere to be seen, eh? Not around any longer. No, all he wanted was… Well, he got it. And you’re the result.”

“Are you… are you…?”

“Weeping? Yes! Because I was young back then! Young of spirit! And he abused me, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot forget that, because I have a constant reminder!”


“You! Yes, you! And not like you think! Because I love you, and you make me proud, no matter what. And… and you remind me of him. And I… I cannot forgive or forget.”


“I’m… I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. It’s… it’s not your fault.”


“It’s alright. It’ll pass. It always does. Funny, eh? Ironic. The seduced and abandoned siren.”

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